Thursday, May 10, 2007

Fisheye at a affordable price

Photographers will know the price of a fish eye lens... its $$$$(x1000) so here is the cheaper version of fisheye which I regard as an absolute must for every single holiday of mine.

Produces vibrant colours and the best thing is you never know what you have taken until you develop your photos. Unlike Lomo LCA, Holga and colour splash cameras where you develop photos and realise half the photos didn't come out. This one never lets you down!

I give you a tip, never use the view finder to take photos, its not accurate!! If you are taking a pic of yourself, just look at the reflection of the glass on the lens, the reflections shows 80% of what the pic will look like. Using during day time will give best results.

For more info go to



dova said...

oh nice pics! so the bottom two is from egypt, where did the moose came from??

annie said...

thats from hokkaido last year.. its a reindeer!!! You want me to post the ones we took at Luk Ming Chun??